Students should plan to take this exam in March, May or June of the junior year or in October or November of the senior year. Click the link below to register for this exam:
What is the SAT?: The SAT is a standardized exam used for admissions into college and universities. It is administered at national test sites several times each year. Students register for this exam online and must adhere to SAT deadlines. To register or to learn more about the SAT, visit
Students should be aware of registration deadlines. Juniors who earn a high test score between September 1st of their junior year and June 30th following their junior year, as well as a high GPA and class rank, are eligible to be named as an Illinois State Scholar during senior year. Students with IEPs or 504 plans who wish to apply for accommodations for this test should notify their case managers and/or counselors by January 15, 2020. There is a cost associated with these tests. Students who have applied and qualified for free or reduced lunch may request fee waivers.
Illinois School Day SAT: The Illinois School Day SAT takes place in the spring semester of a student's junior year. All juniors are required to complete the state SAT in order to be classified as seniors during their fourth year in school and to graduate. Scores earned on the state SAT are accepted by colleges, universities, the NCAA, and are considered for Illinois State Scholar eligibility. Please see "State SAT (COVID-19 Update, 08/14/2020)" Below
SAT Subject Tests: The SAT Subject Tests are one-hour tests in individual subject areas. **Per no colleges/universities require the SAT Subject Tests from Fall of 2021 applicants
Free SAT Practice General Practice Link: More Practice ("Linking" with Khan Academy): As districts and schools are preparing 11th graders for the SAT on April 10th, many are directing students to utilize the Official SAT Practice. Students that have a College Board account “linked” to a Khan Academy account can receive personalized practice in preparation for the SAT. “Linking” the two accounts allow for students to utilize the results from a PSAT assessment to guide their practice. I have attached a few helpful documents that include the following:
Sample Six Week Coach Guide
Khan Teacher-Coach Implementation Guide
Educator Resource Supporting Students Using Official SAT Practice
CB Account Set-up & Linking to Khan Academy (Official SAT Practice)
NOTE: Parents (like staff) can create an account in the Official SAT Practice as a “coach” to monitor their child’s development. Please see “Creating Parent Accounts on Official SAT Practice.” Click the following link for more resources: Resources.
State SAT (COVID-19 Update, 08/14/2020): - Wednesday, October 14th - Champaign Central High School - For all current seniors - This exam is optional and the essay exam will be provided to the students - The exam will be paid for by the Unit 4 School District - This exam is optional and is not required for graduation due to COVID-19 per Illinois State Board of Education
Special Considerations: Test Registration Fee Waiver: - Free/reduced lunch status = eligible - Get from the College & Career Center (Mr. Tanner) or your school counselor